Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Laptops in School Essay

Power on the new paper of the future. Students should be able to have a laptop for schoolwork instead of carrying a binder and using paper for everything they are assigned to do. First of all, homework would be more fun to do on a laptop. Students would be able to put more detail into their work as well as show their personality because of all the features and applications within a computer. Paper assignments on worksheets and bookwork don’t provide this opportunity. This would be fun as students would to be able to create, answer questions, and study if students had the access a computer brings. Secondly, students will find that turning in homework on time is easier with a laptop than traditional paper assignments. A college student said,† Using laptops will help students with their grades. † Once a student completes the assignment, he or she can simply email it to the teacher. Students will not have the excuse of losing the assignment, forgetting it or having a dog eat the homework. Using paper means cutting down trees. Laptops should be a student’s friend. Statistics prove a third point. Statistics show that using laptops in school increases students’ grades. Going more in depth in assignments is what students will do if they have laptops. Also, students have a better chance of turning in their work and therefore grades will improve. Teachers and parents continue to complain that grades drop because students are lazy and don’t remember to turn in homework when it is due. Statistics also show that today’s teens are so involved in every aspect of technology, they would embrace the opportunity to simply use their skills with computers and homework. A student at Brigham Young University who uses his laptop daily, said, â€Å" Laptops are required in college. When using laptops, assignments can be graded quickly because of automated grading done by the computer. Turning in homework through a computer would allow quicker feedback to students. The quick feedback would allow a teacher to see what students are struggling with. Plus, a laptop is better than using paper. Paper is a waste of trees. † About 144,000 trees get cut down each day. Cutting down trees is what is done to get paper. The less trees we have, the less oxygen we have. Finally, laptops will reduce that cutting down of trees in the future predicting a longer life for the earth. In college it is required for students to have laptops. So why not start using laptops now? Most of the work we do in middle school and high school is for college and life after college. The laptop will become a student’s best friend, mentor, helper, and environment saver.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

God’s faithfulness

Log then Capture Sometimes we are that piece of log. Lifeless. No shape. No form. No beauty. Nothing special about it. But God sees something special about you. People around you may say that you are bound to fail because you were not able to go to school, or because you are poor, or because you have no talent, or because you have a broken family. But the sculptor, our God, sees something special about you? The reason why you are here. He sees greatness in you because he has created you for that purpose-?for greatness! We may not see it at the moment.Because God is still working that masterpiece in you. Our text is taken from Ephesians 2:10 which says, ‘We are God's workmanship, retreated in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. † 1. We are God's Workmanship A. Every Human is Created by God in His Image (Genesis 126-27) a. Like this picture (father and son), we can say that they are father and son. Because the son resembles his father. Sino as ninny nag kumara nag mama o papa ninny? Dib sometimes people will know who you are because of your resemblance with your parents. Again din asana Toyota Kay Lord.When people see us, they need not ask if you are a Christian because from your words and actions, they will know that you are God's son and daughter. B. I know how hard it is to become a Christian. A lot of people have difficulty in deciding to follow Christ because there are so many things an â€Å"bawl†. Bawl magma boyfriends/ girlfriend. Bawl minimum/managerially. God wants us to follow these DON TTS because he actually wants to protect us. Protect us from early pregnancy, early fatherhood/motherhood, sickness like lung cancer, liver problems, hypertension, etc.Asana normalize anti LATA nag to. God loves you so much that He doesn't want you to make decisions that may harm you in the future. C. And like the father in the prodigal son, no matter how we fail him, he will till welcome you back with love and f orgiveness. God loves us so much. B. Every Christian has been created again in Christ. A. Created IN CHRIST JESUS. This means that even before JESUS CHRIST came into the world to save us, He was actually already present from the beginning. Before Adam and Eve had ever sinned against God, they were perfect like Jesus Christ.But when sin came into the picture, the perfection was destroyed. We became sinners, unfaithful, selfish and unrighteous. B. But in 2 Corinthians 7 of the New Testament, It says there, â€Å"If anyone is IN CHRIST, he is a NEW CREATION, the old has gone and the new has come. God gave us another chance through Jesus Christ to redeem ourselves. To have that connection with Him again and enjoy the abundance and the fullness of His love. C. Have made a lot of mistakes again and again and yet, God never really gave up on me.Katie guano pa kali nag Salinas MO as Kenya, He would even be the one to come near you and not to remind you of your sins but to remind you that H e loves you so much despite of everything. So, if you are here today and you have made a serious mistake in the past, do not let that define you. You are created for something more than you're past. Tell the arson next to you, be patient with me, God IS not yet finished With me. 2. We are created for good works a. Many people believed that good works are enough for them to be saved.But it is said in Ephesians 2:8-9, â€Å"For by grace you have been saved through faith, not of yourselves, it is a gift from God so that no one can boast. B. Our good works cannot save us because even our good works are also influenced by our needs, ideologies and beliefs. Sometimes, we help people because we Want to pay it forward so that when the time comes that We will be needing their help, they will also help us. Sometimes, we help other people so we can e recognized. We help others because they have helped us. Even our best is tainted with sin. C. Our good works can sometimes cause us to boast.The reason why God used the young and small David to kill Goliath, the shepherd boy and the youngest Joseph to be the ruler, the killers of Christians Saul to be Paul who confesses God with all his heart, the old and barren Sarah to give birth to Isaac or the young and lustful David to be the man after God's own heart-?the reason why God used them is so that they will say that it was not them but it was all because of God. D. Sometimes we are afraid to be involved n the church because we feel that we are incompetent, poor, weak, untalented, shy or that we are not good enough.But guess what God wants people like you and me to serve Him and glorify His name. MY TESTIMONY: I have been a Christian since I was in kindergarten. But I came to really understand God's word when was in high school. But understanding is different from actually obeying God's commands. Like anybody in this room, I was really struggling. Having a knowledge of what is right and evil makes me more accountable of our a ctions. Which is more hurting? When your grade 1 friend had left you? Or when your best friend since grade 1 until now had suddenly left you with no explanation? It is the latter. Why?Because you have known and understand better that friends really don't just do that. Same is true with our relationship with God. When we were little, it was okay that we were not praying everyday, meditating on his words or obeying his commands because we still did not understand the real meaning of Christianity. Which is actually living life like Christ. In high school, was a church gore and even joined the activities of the church. But was not actually doing everything that he said in his word. Was actually doing a lot of things that you also are doing. But nevertheless, God has still been very faithful to me.He caused me to finish on top of our class even when was not faithful. That chapter of my life was also the time when we almost lost everything we own. We lost the house, the lumber yard, the p awnshop, the cars, and the hardware. If God was not with us, we might have also lost our family. No matter how sinful, unfaithful and hard-headed we are, God will find a way to reach out to you. When I started college, I came to know Christ more through the campus crusade for Christ. It was easier to change because I have people around me ho are supporting me and joining me in my walk with Christ.We were winning souls in the campus. I felt very secure and fulfilled that time. Was being used by God in his ministry. But then again, the college years had to end. When I was starting medicine, I went to another school and lost contact with my campus crusade friends. I was becoming busy reaching for my dream of becoming a doctor when was beginning to lose my relationship with God. I Was not as disobedient as Was when was in high school. But then again, I was spending most of my time in school. I became just a church gore. I was till able to finish well through God's faithfulness.When I wa s in Dave last year, where was having my internship for one year. This was the time when began to slowly lose my sight of God. I was back into my old self or even worse. But even though this times, God has remained faithful to me and my family. Was able to finish my internship and passed the exam. I may have failed God and my family several times in my life. But God never fails. He never gave up on me. He has always given many chances to straighten up my life. I admit that at the moment, I am still getting back on the right track and it is very hard to do so.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Understanding behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Understanding behaviour - Essay Example A specific ‘disturbance’ in children, i.e. ‘temper tantrums’ shall be closely looked at evaluating whether the same derives its roots from ‘nature’ or ‘nurture’ or both. Before concluding we shall consider if the disturbance under our observation can be better explained by ‘transactional model’. The aim of this paper shall be chiefly to identify the factors responsible for shaping social and emotional development in children. I shall argue that not a single factor can shape a child’s development, yet not every theory by its own strength can serve as an explanation for a child’s development. Therefore, it is the amalgamation of the basic ideas of all theories that would best be able to meet our end. Simply understood, the term ‘development’ can be defined as â€Å"changes over time in the child’s understanding of, attitudes towards, and actions with others† (As cited in Smith & Hart 2002 p.3). An essential element inevitable in the process of development of children is ‘change’. Change is not just a forseeable phenomenon in children, they are a prerequisite to development as well. That is because every physical or emotional development entails ‘change’. But what affects this change? Apart from the greater biological mechanism that determine changes in us, certain other factors such as once’s social upbringing and other environmental influences are also responsible. Before we can even start evaluating the causes for the development in children, it is inevitable to find a barrier in having a conclusive take for the same, for, perhaps the biggest debate in the field of psychology, the Nature versus Nurture argument keeps all possible explanation in the state of indeterminacy. Those who supported ‘nature’ claimed that development is essentially the result of the pre-set biological functionings that get encoded from parents to offspring. They argue that â€Å"†¦genetic

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Foucault notions of power and its implications of studying power in Essay

Foucault notions of power and its implications of studying power in international relations - Essay Example are few of the pertinent examples of power play within the society. But Foucault’s concept of power within the international relation becomes vital elements of global politics that has wide ranging implications for world at large (Patton, 1998). In the contemporary times, power within and across nations has emerged as major contentious issue that tends to suppress the wider objectives of democratic principles and sovereignty of nations which are less power powerful in terms of socio-economic, technology and military superiority. He describes it as a relation that is only visible when it is applied or used strategically in a situation to achieve one’s own vested interests (Foucault, 1982; Mills, 2003). Thus, it use or misuse becomes vital ingredients of maintaining one’s status in global political arena. The hegemony of America in global politics is prime example of economic, technological and military power that it applies over other nations. America has used its power either directly like invading Iraq on false pretence or indirectly through leading financial institutions like World Bank, IMF and international agencies like United Nations etc. and forcing developing and under-developed nations to open their markets for foreign business. Thus, Foucault’s concept of power can easily be applied on international

What is happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

What is happiness - Essay Example In the summer, when I sit in the grass and feel the sun warm your skin, testing the water temperature with my feet. In the autumn, I can see the red maple leaves falling from the trees. In the winter, I feel the crispness of the air on your face and hearing the crunch of snow under your feet. All of the sense makes me feel happy. Happiness, for me, also includes travel experiences. I saw some beautiful scenery I had not seen before, I could taste different foods, and I tried some new things. Last summer, I traveled to Nepal and tried paragliding. When I was gliding in the sky, I felt free like a bird and flew the clouds clear my mind. I felt happiness in that moment. Imagine how it feels when you have a chance to fly in the sky. Do you think you will have the same sense of freedom as me? Some people think happiness means keeping up with the Joneses. However, for me, I do think happiness is measured by wealth. Many people in the world have excessive wealth. They use the money to buy a number of cars and build mansion to show their status in the society. Even though they have everything they desire, they still want to be happy. For example, Guangxu was one of the emperors in Qing dynasty. He had status, money, women but he still felt miserable due to the failure to control his life. He could do everything his grandmother wanted him do. On the other hand, a famous Chinese man who lived during Second World War gave up the rich life and the chance to be a doctor to become a poor writer. Although he lived a poor life, he never regrets. Instead, he was happy as his work could bring great change to the society. Chinese people’s minds about propaganda, he helped to bring about the revolution of China. This is the reason I believe that happiness is having enough to sur vive comfortably. Friends play an important role in our life. We cannot be happy without friends. Studying alone

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Analytical brief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analytical brief - Essay Example Earth & Space Science professor and Quaternary Research Center director Eric Steig states that this is a fact and there is no theoretical basis that this is a natural cycle (p.5). Although there are different findings on this issue, a new study on these upswings associates with the rise of the temperature of the ocean surface. Scientists are still not in consensus on the possible cause of this issue. Heat waves will be more frequent and more intense as temperatures rise (Gore et al., An Inconvenient Truth). He presents a record of the temperature increase in correlation to the heat waves the globe experienced in the history. The data gathered prove that as the average increases, the extreme goes up as well. Global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet (6 meters) with the loss of shelf ice in Greenland and Antarctica, devastating coastal areas worldwide (Gore et al., An Inconvenient Truth). Gore argues that the melting of Greenland and Antarctica, due to rise on CO2 level cause e xtreme flooding by 2050. Although scientists believe that if Greenland and glaciers in the Antarctic melt, this will cause an increase in the sea level which will cause the low-lying areas to submerge into water. But they have different estimates on when this would happen. Some say that if the temperature rises to 3C, which is 5.4F within the next 100 years, there is a big possibility that Gore’s claim may happen (Nielsen-Gammon 22). With all the claims mentioned and data presented, how does Gore intend to combat our devastating predicament? His main point is to lower energy consumption to decrease the greenhouse gas effect by the use of Electranet. This will replace our fuel-consuming engines found in cars, factory machines and the likes. Coming from an environmental activist point of view, this will definitely help reduce our greenhouse gases that are the main cause of global warming. However, apart from some inaccuracies in his claims, Gore also fails to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Child care - Care for babies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Child care - Care for babies - Essay Example A child’s unwillingness to leave the parent is known as separation anxiety. It is a very common observation in this age group. It is actually an indication of healthy attachment. It is only a temporary phase and almost every child will grow out of it. Llara and her family must come to the center few times before the starting day so that they get familiar with the surrounding and the staff. Confidence must be instilled into them by discussing with them about the quality of care, expertise, policies followed and how other children are doing. They should be shown play area, where and how the food is prepared, cradles and other such things. Also, a mention of availability of Pediatrician in case of emergency will relax them. The goodbye must be firm and with a pleasant and loving saying which the mother should follow like a ritual everyday. The mother should stay calm and composed and she should have confidence in the baby and the caregiver. Once she means to go, she should not come back. Usually children settle within 20 minutes. The mother can call after 20 minutes and find out. Also, while going, she should mention that she is going to be back. Children cannot understand time, but the mother can tell something like â€Å"I will be back after lunch† and she should come back without fail. Building secondary attachments with Llara may be easy because, her parents have already indicated that she is an easy-to-take-care baby. Also, she has been under the care of other people before. The caregiver must first familiarize herself with Llara when she is in the comforting hands of her mother. She should spend some time talking with the parents when Llara is looking on, so that she will associate her with her parents. She should never try to pull out Llara of her mother’s arm, especially the first time. Parents should show confidence in the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marketing in search engines and financing Assignment

Marketing in search engines and financing - Assignment Example Similar to way spam has lowered the efficacy email marketing, the â€Å"click fraud† raised the cost of search engine marketing and lead to a reduction of its attraction to merchants. Some of the aspects surrounding paid placement are that anyone can click on the engine ads raising the costs of merchants, without making any purchase. Consumer objects this service since one can increase his or her revenue by requesting friends or relatives to click the ads Microsoft or Google place on his or site without even making any purchase (Kennedy and Kristjan 71). Purchasing a car, home, or shopping using credit card are examples of debt financing. You are receiving a loan from someone or even a business under the condition of paying the loan back with some interest (Jagpal and Shireen 525). Using debt financing to start up a small business takes a similar way. An entrepreneur can apply for a loan to start a business from banks or friend, lenders or from family members, which he must pay back with same interests. Debt financing is advantageous since the lender has no powers to control your business. After the completion of loan payment, the relationship between the debtor and the creditor ends. If one business is a local startup business, which does not require large-scale funding, then debt financing is the best option (Jagpal and Shireen 526). Equity financing unlike debt financing involves investors. An investor can decide to offer his company shares to friends, family members, or small investors. However, this form of financing involves angel investors or venture capitalists. Equity financing is advantageous since the investor incurs all the risks. If your business fails to raise the money, the investor cannot force you to pay the money (Jagpal and Shireen 526). This form of financing is appropriate for small business when they are at their very startup stages. Such investors who fund these small businesses are Angle investors who invest

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cultural differences between east and west Germany (1945 - 1961) Research Proposal

Cultural differences between east and west Germany (1945 - 1961) - Research Proposal Example at interest as there are many people who do not understand the reason East and the West Germans behave differently, and the West is more developed than the East especially in governing matters1. History plays a great role in shaping communities and Germany was not an exception especially between 1948 and 1961when most of the differences existed. The study will enlighten many readers and the future researchers and help them understand the problems that faced countries and communities in the earlier times. Germany participated in the killing of many Jews due to racism that characterized the communities3. The importance issues for discussion in this proposal are the highlights of the cultural issues such as the military culture between the East and the West Germany some of which exist today5. There was a strong social and collective mentality in the communist society in the East Germany, unlike West Germans who are individualistic. Religion also brought some differences in that there were few believers in the East in which many are atheist and unreligious4. In West Germany, more people were religious and attended the church and other worship places. The hobbies for the two regions were also different with East Germany loving nudism a lot more than West Germans do. Racism was also common in East Germany, it was rare to find foreigners, and seclusion for the few who existed was common5. The Nazi party persecuted many Jews, killed millions, and split their families by offering the convenient divorce. Even today, racism exists in the East more than it does in the West Germany, for instan ce, the Nazi dressing code that identified them for discrimination4. There are various research methods to use in this proposal to discuss the differences, which exist in the two communities in Germany. First, examination of the available primary sources and lecture notes will assist in gathering enough literature for the study. Secondary sources such as academic journals and other

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Gospel Interpretation Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gospel Interpretation Project - Research Paper Example During Lazarus time, the dead were buried immediately after their death. This was because there were no preservatives of the dead body and burial had to take pace immediately so that the body did not decompose and become a bother to the people. Moreover, there were burial rites that needed to be observed. For example, in the case of Lazarus, he was wrapped with white clothing before he was buried according to the Jewish culture. Similar to many other cultures, people went to mourn with the family of the deceased. This explains why there was a crowd surrounding the home ground of Lazarus that Jesus found when he went to visit four days after his death. The people were aware that the body underwent decomposition after burial because the sisters to Lazarus indicated to Jesus that they were afraid that he was rotting and smelling already. Moreover, the people exhibited fear for the dead as they were not aware of the real condition of the dead. This explains why they were shocked when the y were shocked when he was resurrected (Harris 403). Prior to the event of resurrecting Lazarus, the Jews had threatened to stone Jesus. Therefore, the disciples were against the idea of Jesus joining any crowd that comprised of the Jews. However, Jesus indicated that it was during the day and he had twelve hours to complete his daily activities. It was at this point that Jesus made the disciples aware that Lazarus had died. However, at first he said it figuratively giving the disciples the impression that he was just asleep. After realizing that the disciples has not grasped the meaning f his words, he said it clear that Lazarus had died. However, he mentioned that it was a good thing that he had not been there during his death because this could present a good opportunity for them to believe. With this, Jesus was referring to the event making people believe that he was the son of God (V., C n.p). On

Monday, July 22, 2019

Extracurricular Activities in a Students Life Essay Example for Free

Extracurricular Activities in a Students Life Essay Extracurricular activities can empower students to make their own decisions and help them gain vital experience and skills to lead them on the path to their future. The Facts According to the Montana State University Extension Service, students involved in extracurricular activities are more likely to become leaders, more willing to complete tasks, more willing to voice opinions, and more likely to graduate from high school and have annual incomes of more than $50,000. Extracurricular activities are also a good way to explore social, political, and career interests. Gain Experience through Extracurricular Activities Extracurricular activities help students gain experience in a variety of areas that will enhance their future. Through participation in sports, students learn cooperation, teamwork and time management. By serving as an officer in an organization, students learn responsibility, problem solving and communication. Extracurricular activities can also help students discover hidden talents, meet people they might otherwise not encounter, and learn about things outside their own environment. How to Choose an Activity But which activities should a student choose? Should they choose activities that use talents they already possess and meet people with similar talents, or should they choose something new and different and meet people who possess different opinions and skills? Some students are comfortable with growth while others will feel more comfortable with familiarity. If a student enjoys outdoor activities, he or she may want to look into archery clubs, horseback riding or other sports. If a student enjoys reading he or she may also enjoy literary clubs, writing clubs or journalism activities. Extracurricular activities are also a good way to learn appreciation for new and different activities. A student who would ordinarily choose football or baseball might think about exposing themselves to archery or bird watching. Choosing something outside a students comfort zone widens horizons and expands knowledge. Being open to new avenues by joining the newspaper staff, the computer club or the decorative painters club will expose students to new people and new ideas. What Activities Are Available? Activities can be found by checking with school counselors, reading the club section of the local newspaper, calling the Chamber of Commerce, asking other students what activities they are involved in and checking with area churches. Information on volunteer activities can often be obtained from community service organizations or teachers. Teachers can be a wealth of information concerning work-study programs, internships and summer jobs; all of which help students build their resume and gain valuable experience in their career field. If a student has already chosen a career path, extracurricular activities can help pave the way. If he or she is interested in teaching science, being an officer in the science club or entering the local science fair can show commitment. Community service at a nearby pharmacy or volunteering at a lab at a nearby hospital or plant can also give experience in the chosen field and can be included on a resume. Ask Questions It’s important to inquire about the organization. Is there a cost involved? Will participants be asked to raise money? How often does the organization meet? Are evenings and weekends involved? Are outside activities required? How many hours will the organization’s activities entail? Checking school and work schedules should also be done before joining any organization. Extracurricular activities are important, but they shouldnt take up all of a students time outside the school day. There should still be time for homework, chores, relaxing, and spending time with friends and family. A combination of all these are an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Extracurricular activities should complement a students life, not complicate it. When students are involved in too many activities or in an activity that takes up too much time, students will become stressed and grades and family relationships begin to suffer. Students should be careful not to overextend themselves by taking on too many activities or volunteering for too many jobs or committees in an organization. Serving as an Officer of an Organization Serving as an officer of an organization can also teach a variety of skills. Leadership and management responsibilities can be gained through serving as President. Recorders or Secretaries gain experience in writing and journalism. Treasurers gain bookkeeping and money handling experience. Each office holds valuable skills that can be used in the future. Many students who ran for Student Body President of their school have gone on to become Chief Executive Officer of an organization or President of their own company. Running for office also gives students experience in campaign management, advertisement and people skills. Some students may choose to get to know an organization better before becoming an officer. They will still have opportunities to serve on committees or volunteer for projects throughout the year. Teamwork, communication and organization skills are all gained by serving on a committee or working on a club project. Commitment Learning to stick with an activity from start to finish is another important lesson of extracurricular activities. Once a commitment to a club, activity or committee is made, students should hang in there even if the activity isnt quite what they expected. By learning to see activities through to the end, students learn valuable lessons they will use later in life. They will be less likely to drop out of school, less likely to quit a job and less likely to walk away from a relationship prematurely. Gain Vital Experience and Skills for the Future Experience gained from extracurricular activities will follow students throughout their lives. It is surprising to note that when the top two candidates in the running for a job are closely matched, something like Eagle Scout listed on their resume can help decide the tie. Prestigious honors like National Honor Society, English Honor Society or Gamma Beta Phi are noticed by potential employers. They look for competent workers that are go-getters and are willing to get involved and go the extra mile. Even something like Scouting or 4-H tells employers about the person behind the resume. Taking the time to get involved in extracurricular activities will benefit students in a variety of ways. Time away from the school day through participation in extracurricular activities can also serve as an outlet for stress and a way to build confidence and self-esteem. Students need encouragement to pursue their dreams. Not only will it empower them to make their own decisions, they will also be given a chance to gain vital experience and skills that will lead them on the path to their future.

The Psychological Reactions Caused by Relaxation and Arousal Essay Example for Free

The Psychological Reactions Caused by Relaxation and Arousal Essay This study’s main reason is to explore the psychological reactions by the idea of relaxation and arousal. A total of thirty eight students t part in this experiment. This study followed a within subject design in witch the independent variables were the music, witch was playing in the start, the touch stimuli and the music, witch was playing in the end of the experiment. However the dependent variables were the galvanic skin response (GSR), the heart rate and the respiratory rate. The psychological reactions were measured by the biopac student lab package. Â  Participants A total of thirty eight students participated in this experiment. The experimenter used opportunity sampling and the subject were first year psychology undergraduate students from the University of Bradford. The participants were asked if they want to participate and their selection was based on their health. Design This experiment followed a within subject design. This study was having two types of variables. The heart rate, the galvanic skin response (GSR) and the respiratory rate were the dependent variables. However the independent variables were the touch stimuli and the music that was played when the experiment was start and the music was played after the touch stimuli. Materials The biopac student lab package was used to measure the heart rate, the galvanic skin response (GSR) and the respiratory rate. Both participants heard the same music played from a cassette player. In both groups the experimenter measured the baseline after putting the cables of biopac on participants fingers to measure all the above. In this study has already been used two questioners. The first one was verbal and was asking general questions about the participants health and their consent to continue this experiment. The second one was a multiple choice questionnaire with also some short answer questions. It was asking the participants to describe their emotions during the experiment. The purpose of the firs questioner was to check if the participants were able to take part in this experiment. The second was testing if the participants feelings was linked with the results that were collected ,from the biopac student lab, after the experiment. Procedure In this study eight groups took part. The participant were having a seat in a computer desk in front of the screen witch was showing the measurements in the biopac system. They also were attached to the machines. The experimenter was put some Vaseline in the parts of the GSR and heart rate electrodes that was connected to the finger tips. The GSR electrodes was connected to a finger tip and the heart rate electrodes to the opposite one and the respiratory rate band was placed around the upper chest area. The participants were asked to complete a verbal questionnaire about their health and also asked if they want to participate in this experiment. This questionnaire was given before the experiment started. When the experiment started and the participants were connected to the machines they were asked from the experimenter if they feel comfortable. Also the experimenter gave some basic instructions and a brief description of the experiment. In the lab were two participants witch was seating in front of two screens. Were also two experimenters, one for each participant and some observers two of which were giving the touch stimuli. A peace of classical music was the start of this experiment. This music was playing for two minutes. When the song stop playing the experimenter asked from two people of whom were observing to touch the subjects by going behind the participants and placing their hands in participants shoulders and moving them to their hands. Through this way they were giving the touch stimuli. After that the second peace of music start playing for two more minute

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Recruiting Source Choices Internal vs. External

Recruiting Source Choices Internal vs. External The article is about recruitment source choices. The author was studying internal and external recruitment methods to find out which one is appropriate and in which situation it is applicable. The recruitment source selection is a course step, which is mostly about the combination of the cost and the speed of the selection of the new worker. The major issue for the human resource recruiter is about the preference between the internal and external recruitment. The tool used in was use examination of secondary information. The population studied was the employees. Internal recruitment offers the opportunity to the workers of the organization; however it is not appropriate for all the job vacancies. External recruitment is costly, it takes longer time and the new worker does not know the organization moreover the learning curve is not complex. Internal recruitment is the best tool for the job vacancies, this is because the experience is available within the organization furthermore; it enables the use of human capital competently as the employees shift to the job positions, the employees value added for the company is maximized ( External recruitment is appropriate for the job vacancy where the company needs to improve its competence for the external know-how and for the job positions, which are private and they cannot be declared internally to employees. The external recruitment is mostly used when the organization needs stability and the employees cannot shift from the job position to another. Internal recruitment is the best recruitment tool when the organization improves its processes and services given to the other divisions in the organization or to the external clients. The external recruitment ought to be used when the company wants to introduce a new field of the corporation and it needs to increase an expertise and knowledge quickly. Section 2 How does having multiple recruiting means help enterprise establish its brand? Having multiple recruiting means help enterprise establish its brand because it offers variety of choices to all clients. By doing this it expands the range n which the firm reaches its clients. For instance since the company has an MTV show, an online game and other recruitment methods, clients choose the method they like most. The MTV show is very interesting and it has attracted many candidates. The contenders were asked questions and were judged in relation to their answers, since three out of four candidates were offered jobs, this has attracted many contenders and as a result there were many referrals. The variety of activities in the firm has helped in enterprise recruitment which has accordingly assisted its strategic goal of launching its employment brand. This is because the program combines all of enterprise recruitment resources and advertisement its website as well as other recruitment efforts. The television show and the online games were attention getters but what has made the enterprise expand the most is from employee referrals. The enterprise workers who refer candidates are heavily rewarded to up to $500 to $1,500 and additionally get permanent employment. It is an advantage since the referrals check out the firm and mention the enterprise to others thereby expanding the pool of potential recruits. This has really helped the enterprise8 in establishing its brand. Go to the enterprise website ( and the click on tab About Enterprise. Check out the online game, career opportunities and other components. Then evaluate how effective you feel the website is an employment branding and recruiting The companys website give me the business is very popular. The game lets people have an experience of a customer service corporation. It is virtual marketing of enterprise and its fun culture as a result; it is an employment branding and recruiting resource. The graphics, web contents, and designs bring credit for the firm. The companys website is scalable and of high quality hence very effective. It is a specialized website since it offers the most-valuable messages, services such as games and specific products to his clients and since any one can browse and scrutinize about the services profoundly and independently it is an employment branding and recruiting resource. Section 3 What are some advantages and disadvantages of recruiting internally versus recruiting externally? Advantages of internal recruitment are that; it is less expensive since it does not involve paying external agency for recruitment. It improves the morale of existing employees; there is recognition and reward of the excellent performance of internal employees. Internal recruitment reinforces and supports the organizations succession planning strategies. Internal staffs have existing information accessible about their skills. Disadvantages of internal recruitment are that it can reinforce existing negative behavior; there will be the risk of in breeding. Employees that are not promoted can become unhappy. In internal recruitment a strong performance management structure is required and it can promote political infighting amongst internal employees. Advantages of external recruitment are that; it avoids the risk of forming resentment by endorsing the favorites from the inside. The employees from the outside introduce fresh ideas, skills and knowledge. External recruitment forces internal staff to update their skills and education; it helps to facilitate change in mores. The disadvantages of external recruitment are that; new employees may not fit the existing customs within the organization. It might affect the morale of internal employees who have been over-looked. It needs a longer period of orientation and induction; assists to facilitate change in customs in the organization. Another disadvantage is that it may take longer to fill up the position and it may as well create resentment from existing workers (

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Aging Nurse workforce Essay -- Employment, Nursing Worforce, Retiremen

A variety of conceptual frameworks were used to research the aging nursing workforce. The theoretical model of Organizational and Personal Factors and Outcomes, developed by Schaefer and Moos (1991), was one context used during this review of literature. This framework suggests that the personal system as well as work stressors affect the association between the organizational system and work morale and performance (Atencio, Cohen, & Gorenberg, 2003). This model suggests that the individual system as well as work stressors influence the relationship involving the organizational scheme and work morale and performance. Occupation stressors combined with organizational and individual system factors induce coping responses and the result of retaining the older nurse (Schaefer & Moos, 1991). Another theoretical model used was the Conceptual Model of Intent to Stay by Boyle et al. (1999). This model describes four variables that shape a nurse’s plan to stay in employment. These variables consist of leadership characteristics, nurse characteristics, system characteristics, and work characteristics. The primary concentration for this model was to research the influence that leadership uniqueness has on a nurse’s intention to stay employed versus retiring. The outcomes showed that control over nursing practice, situational stress, and the manager characteristics had implicit effects on older nurse intention to remain employed (Cranley & Tourangeau, 2005). Karasek and Theorell’s Demand-Control Model (1990) was an additional conceptual framework noted in the review of literature on the ageing nursing workforce. This representation implies that intense job strain and decision-making opportunity contributes to work tension and lead... ...parture from the nursing profession or retirement from the line of work. Several key elements have been established throughout the research that lead to theses nurses feeling the need to retire and include: burnout, physical demands, mental health, linkage to the organization, hours worked, organizational culture, work intensity, and fiscal requirements. Organizations are beginning to establish evidence-based strategies in an effort to retain older registered nurses. Human resources are beginning to formulate policies and procedures to meet the needs of these aging nurses, which focus on their safety, stress levels, preferred work setting, schedule, and job satisfaction. The ability to delay retirement of these nurses or creating career paths that help facilitate a transition to a different work setting could help ease the shortage of nurses in the next decade.

What Will Be The Name? :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Attack on America† â€Å"World War III† These may seem unbelievable, but they are only two of the real life events thundering into the minds of many. Although I am not a fortune teller, I’m still able to voice my opinion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So far we’ve lived through the age of innocence, next was the age of experience. What is next? My assignment is to name the age of what the last twenty years of the century will be called. The age of loving to hate sounds good to me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In today’s society our language is vulgar. Not as if to say we’re the only generation that says bad words, I just think that today we use bad words as common language. Men have less respect for women then before. Women are having kids without being married at young ages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There was a time when you could walk down the streets safely, leave your front doors unlocked and trust your house to be in good shape the next morning. You pretty much have to be aware of everything these days . It’s almost impossible for us to get along in the world today. The terrorist attacks are showing that world peace will never take place. As a teenager it makes me not want to have children of my own, afraid of what disaster I’m bringing them into.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We all pretty much still engage in the same entertainment as before. The only difference might be that technology is way better. The rides and rollercoasters are

Friday, July 19, 2019

Matrix Organizational Structure Essays -- Business Management

Organizational structure is the way that an organization arranges people and jobs so that work can be performed and goals can be achieved. Good organizational design helps communications, productivity, and innovation. Many organization structures have been created based on organizational strategy, size, technology, and environment. Robbins and Judge (2011, p. 504) listed three common structures: simple, bureaucracy, and matrix. In this post the author will describe the matrix structure, and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. Matrix structure is first introduced in the aerospace industry in the 1960s and become one of the popular organizational design options in today’s business and industry (Derven & Alexandria, 2010). Burns and Wholey (1993) poinited out that matrix structure were used in advertising agencies, aerospace firms, research and development laboratories, hospitals, government agencies, and universities. Matrix structure is the combination of two or more different structures and take the advantages of the pure functional structure and the product organizational structure (Robbins & Judge, 2011, p. 497). The employees in the matrix may have two bosses: their functional department managers and their product managers. For example, all engineers may be in one engineering department and report to an engineering manager, but these same engineers may be assigned to different projects and report to a project manager while working on that project. In many organizations, a matrix structure is i mplemented to address the requirement to do more with less and become more agile. The matrix structure, which focuses on horizontal as well as vertical management, has become more widespread as a result of globalization and the... ...llustrate his points. References: Burns, L. R., & Wholey, D. R. (1993). Adoption and abandonment of matrix management programs:Effects of organizational characteristics and interorganizational networks. Academy of Management Journal, 36(1), 106-139. Carter, L., Ulrich, D., & Goldsmith, M. (2005). Best practices in leadership development and organization change: how the best companies ensure meaningful change and sustainable leadership. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley and Sons. Derven, M., & Alexandria, T. D. (2010). Manging the matrix in the new normal. T + D. Alexandria, 64(7), 42-49. Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2011). Organizational behavior (14 ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Sy, T., & Cote, S. (2004). Emotional intelligence: A key ability to succeed in the matrix organization. Journal of Management Development. 23(5). 437-455

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pornography Addiction Essay

When most people admit that they are addicted to pornography, it would most probably be internet pornography, although all other types of pornography may be valid too. The progress of pornography addiction is extremely high with access to Internet. This is because Internet provides a huge amount of unlimited pornography, with varying levels of graphic content. Internet porn addiction reaches newer levels for an individual in a quick time. Before the individual could realize the changes on himself, he would be browsing at things he would have never expected. Porn in every forms like movies, magazines and billboards produce negative effects on an individual. A sense of shock, shame and hopelessness develop within an individual which may require treatment or rehabilitation. The level of porn sought by an individual is always sequentially increased. As the addiction to porn is increased, higher level and more explicit levels of content are sought. As an individual views the porn content at a particular level for a certain amount of time, his body would gradually seek a higher and more extreme content. The body wouldn’t be satisfied with the currently viewed content and demands more (NLH, 2007). Pornography viewing would always lead to sexually gratification acts like masturbation. Masturbation is only the start of self satisfaction, as a result of pornography viewing, from where it can get worse. Pornography is an addiction like drugs, however de-addiction from pornography is considered more difficult compared to drugs. Pornography addiction is closely associated with masturbation, which has its own physical and mental health effects. The sexual organs are intended to bring pleasure when partners engage in acts of love making. However, when one is addicted to masturbation, there isn’t a bond of love with the partner, but only a bonding with ones own fantasies. Addiction to masturbation too generates sense of guilt and shame apart from making one feel unconfident in the presence of other people. Pornography and masturbation addictions only enhance and facilitate each other, and none can be stopped when the other is going steady. Even when porn is not viewed, masturbation would continue, by recollecting images stored in the head. Even after a considerable amount time is spent without pornography, and with continued masturbation, one would feel a sense of reduced arousal. The individual then starts to seek porn again. The progressive nature of pornography was identified about 25 years back by Dr. Victor Cline who maintained that an addicted person’s needs are increased both in terms of frequency and in deviancy. It is estimated that about 3 to 6% of Americans are addicted to porn. Online pornography is a major cause of divorce, which was not associated with divorce until about seven to eight years back. The justice department estimates that about 9 out of 10 children belonging to the age group of 8 to 16 have seen online pornography. Symantec, the software company has observed that about 47% of school children are recipients of daily pornographic spam (Weiss, 2005). The effects of pornography on children are evident from behavior scientist Ralph DiClemente’s observations that pornography develops to be a building block to a child’s emotional and mental development. The increasing influence of pornography on an individual is evident when an individual spends increasing amounts of time on porn content or seeks more extreme content material. Such people would require associating pornography with their real sex life. They require pornography for stimulation when engaging in sexual acts. There are several signs associated with pornography addiction which indicate development of negative and problematic effects. Worrying that others would find out your pornographic interests, feeling a sense of guilt and shame after using pornography, thinking of pornography even when not using it, are among the negative effects of pornography. With time, the use of pornography slips out of control and efforts to quit or limit pornography use would be unsuccessful (UTD, 2008). Addiction to pornography can result in neglect of responsibility or become less focused on your work or studies. Extreme use of pornography can also lead to emotional barriers with people you love and can also lead to loss of relationships. However, specialists involved in rehabilitation recommend changing routines and environments associated with pornography use and identifying the positive and negative consequences of using and avoiding pornography. Successful rehabilitation also require spending lesser time being alone; and looking for newer ways of confronting feelings like anxiety, loneliness, anger, depression and boredom. Activities that facilitate relaxation, enjoyment and refreshment should be encouraged. Mary Anne Layden, the co-director of the Sexual Trauma and psychopathology program at the Cognitive Therapy Center of University of Pennsylvania says, â€Å"Porn is the most concerning thing to psychological health that I know of existing today. The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors. To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it — it’s a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind. † (Singel, 2004). Layden too feels that pornography addicts have a tougher time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, as it is possible to get the drug out of the system for cocaine users, but it is impossible to remove pornographic images from the brain, where it would be embedded forever. To highlight the dangers of porn addiction, researchers are asking the Congress to undertake studies on porn addiction and also initiate a public campaign on the issue. At a hearing organized by the Senator Sam Brownback, anti-porn activists emphasized that Internet pornography is enticing children and hooking adults, thereby ruining families and jobs (AP, 2004). A psychologist even claimed that continued and free acccess to pronography would induce an afinity for deviated acts like group sex, sadomasochistic practices and even beastality. According to Virginia Tech professor, James Weaver, who is involved in studies on pornography impact, â€Å"We’re so afraid to talk about sex in our society that we really give carte blanche to the people who are producing this kind of material†. Weaver also pointed out that research on the impact of pornography on family and community life, is very limited. However, studies have shown that pornography addiction can lead to lowering of sexual satisfaction and loss of family values. Lost jobs, failed marriages and broken families are some of the effects attributed to Internet pornography. Internet pornography is spreading at rapid pace and all are vulnerable to this addiction. People take to pornography for several reasons including an attempt to escape the realities of life by self medication or sexual appetite. By taking to such addictions, a sense of satisfaction is obtained through the production and release of chemical substances by the brain and the body. The chemicals released by the brain and body include epinephrine, adrenaline, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), noradrenaline, norepinephrine and testosterone. Accessing pornography consistently would provide sexual arousal to the addict, such that when they are away from accessing porn for a considerable time, they suffer withdrawal symptoms (Tayder, 2006). These symptoms drive an addict desperately to seek porn, and the addict acts inappropriately to satisfy his needs. Sexual addiction or porn addiction may be defined as a condition in which any sexual behavior is associated with a recurring failure to control that behavior and its continued practice despite significant negative consequences (Goodman, 1998). The hypersexual behaviors associated with porn addiction can occur due to organic pathology. With an estimated 420 million adult content adult web pages, gone are the days when store open hours and secure hiding spaces had limited an individual’s porn activity. People who like to be always hooked up, have more at the click of their mouse. However, some specialists do not agree with the use of the word ‘addiction’ with regard to porn, preferring to use the word ‘compulsion’ instead. Although people would label themselves as porn addicts, based on outside inputs, the mental health professionals have no established standards to diagnose and calibrate porn addiction. Eric Janssen of the Kinsey Institute disapproves using the term ‘addiction’ for porn (Downs, 2005). He feels that treating them as addicts would not help them, in anyway. In this regard, Layden emphasizes that diagnosing problems like chronic gambling and substance abuse are similar to diagnoses of problematic porn use. Sex therapist Lounne Cole Weston attributes three main reasons as to why people take to pornography. They would like to act on their fantasies, avoid intimacy or just to facilitate masturbation. Sometimes people take to porn to fill up the gaps in their own sex life. For instance a person who loves oral sex and has a partner who hates it, would like to look at pictures of oral sex. Weston adds, â€Å"Then there are the people who are too embarrassed to explain what it is that they really would like to participate in, so they go there secretively, never having revealed to their mate what they would like to try†. The probability of an individual getting hooked to pornography today is much more than at any point of time, earlier. Both hard and soft pornography is much more graphic today. Adult films are easily accessible today like any other favorite film. Even music videos incorporate sex to increase their sales. TV programs now allow bikinis and semi nudes to appear freely. The sex scenes and chat shows which reveal all kinds of sexual perversions, only adds to the worsening climate on the status of porn. Just like the swim suits of today, which are more revealing, everything seems to be accepted without much complaining. During the 70s, the TV and films rarely showed people kissing. It is sad that some parents too don’t seem to be bothered by the developments. They feel that as the kids are someday going to see this, sooner or later, why not allow them now. Pornography is an important factor associated with sexual violence. The FBI report identifies hard core pornography as a common interest among serial killers. About 87% of child molesters are hardcore pornography addicts. When eight year old Jessica DeLaTorre was abducted, raped and murdered, it was committed by a porn addict, who had viewed child pornography the previous night. Many specialists agree that a very important ingredient in the development of a serial killer is fantasy. These gruesome killings are the results of such fantasies put into reality. This progress of fantasy into reality may be attributed to pornography. John Wayne Gacy had been a avid reader of homosexual magazines for which his second wife had divorced him. Pornography escalates the inner urge, which is present in all of us. This passion for sex is vastly accelerated by pornography, till the individual succumbs to satisfy that drive, without realizing what he is doing in the process. The desire for sexual gratification is dominant in all males, however killers who have not experienced sufficient intimacy in their childhood, attempt to control rather than being intimate during their sexual acts, and they begin to physically harm. The serial killer from Florida, Ted Bunty, recalled just before his execution how early exposure to pornography led him along the murderous path. He said that although he was responsible for his actions, the messages in the pornography contributed to his killings. To overcome pornography addiction, one must have a strong desire to achieve. A strong desire is important to prevent half hearted attempts producing little results. Along with a desire to change, one should also have a sense of commitment. The process of change requires commitment to the process, as the first step. There cannot be any program or instructions which can produce changes for you, when you are not committed to change. Avoid your low self-esteem from taking you back to addiction. Think positively and high of yourself, imagine yourself as a transformed new person. Understand the cause and effects phenomenon and realize that porn addiction is a syptom or effect and not the cause. The cause are the reasons which urge one to indulge in pornography. It is important to identitfy the people and places associated with biggest temptations to view porn and be extra cautious when confronting these. Like any other personal developments, porn addiction change needs to be realized in small manageable goals. Therefore one should set targets like wont be viewing porn for a week, etc.. Realizing such small goals, would provide an early onfidence and momentum. It is also important and helps significantly if the environment is adjusted to suit the deaddiction like getting rid of internet if internet is the main cause of porn viewing.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Budgeting in Cooperatives

BUDGETING IN CO OPERATIVES A figure is a statement some the allocation of money (income and spending) according to a set of priorities or a end over a period of time. The advantages of having a compute and budgeting system atomic number 18 as follows It conditions the plans and ultimately the objectives of the co-operative argon realized It provides a means to master expenditure and ensure corrective measures are in turn pop if over-expenditure has occurred or is happening It assists in communication financial information to all in the co-operative everyone lead know how money approach shot in get out be spent It assists with plan implementation It helps to measure act of the co-operative It is also a motivational cock because it gives forethought. If a co-operative does not budget the following disadvantages will occur There will be no sense of direction Overspending will happen and financial control will breakdown Decisions will be made in an ad hoc or u nplanned way There will be unrealiable financial information. There are two main ways of budgeting (1) additive incremental budgeting works with defy stratums figures.It means adjusting to some horizontal surface the budget to fit the current division. This is a very problematic way to budget. It assumes the objectives or priorities for the co-operative are the same every year. It magnate even repeat some of the problems of last years budget. (2) Zero ground zero-based budgeting is based on analyzing the costs afresh for the year. It allows the budget to be aligned to naked as a jaybird objectives for the coming period. All expenditures have to be justified and in line with the objectives of the co-operative.There are m any things that should and should not be through when d stark nakeding up a budget. The Dos Be hard intrude and realistic Take last years budget expenditure and the developed results into account assess where in that respect were variances realize wh at the fixed and inconsistent costs of the co-operative are Develop budget headings that fit in with the operations of the co-operative as a unhurt Collect information thoroughly finalise to go for incremental or zero-based budgeting. The bearts Neglect to involve members and other stakeholders collapse too little time to cabal the budget Make over-optimistic assumptions about income, in particular. The drawing up of a budget should take at least a full month of research, participatory introduce and drafting. It should come after the get on has had an luck to plan for the forthcoming year. How should a budget be drawn up? grade 1 Identify the key plans and objectives/priorities for the co-operative. measure 2 Cost these objectives or priorities using last years budget and the actual results.Know what is coming in and out by breaking costs to a lower place different headings such as wages, rent, telephone, and so on Think through the fixed and variable costs such as enduring staff costs and the cost of raw material. Ask important questions about the income and outgoings. argon there likely to be any changes? Step 3 Build in budget control parameters such as monthly or weekly trailing income and expenditure against the budget. The C E O should give reports to the board on changes or variances and recommend corrective action.Step 4 A draft budget moldiness be presented to the all worker-owners for input. It must then be tabled at the board and General consistence for approval. Step 5 Once AGMs approval is given, the budget must be communicated to everyone in the co-operative and must be freely available. Step 6 Consistent and on-going monitoring by the C E O and the finance subcommitteemust occur. Regular reports must be given to the board and where there are variances between income or expenditure and budgets, this must be reported to the board and corrective action put into place.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

Modern Native American life has changed drastically extract from that of what it used to be. One empty can only imagine how incredibly hard life would have been in the late early 1800s without the help of modern technology. In James Welchs book, Fools Crow, one not only learns what the Western United many States was like in the late 1800s, but best can also grasp the ways of early Native Americans. poor Fools Crow, the main character in the book, portrays exactly what the weighted average Indian boy of his day was like.Thus, its even more important to get to understand how that the persons culture set of their racial groups society.Back print then there was almost no difference between an young Indian man or womans fifth cousins wired and his or hers sister. Both were treated the same, logical and both were respected immensely. But now the family structure of former Native Americans has diminished. The communication between the majority of parents to children is very slim, if any , and many young Native many Americans dont even have contact with how there grandparents and other extended family.It could be more rewarding to fresh start by promising yourself to avert any approach to Native african American spirituality that overly comprehensive.

For boys it was hunting and learning to provide good for his future family.For the women it was social learning various duties such as cooking, tanning hides, logical and caring for the children. Indians used to educate themselves in order to survive as a team. Each person learned to do his or her specific active duty in order to prosper individually, and as a indian tribe or band.Its not the exact same for each tribe.Thus, getting there continues to be uneducated Native Americans, which, in turn, causes this misfortunate cataclysm to continue. Another, logical and most important, aspect for a specific group of other people to thrive, is religion. Ever since the first civilized human lived, there what was religion. For most people, religion is the hot glue that holds their life together.Origins tribe is currently easy going to be displayed in brackets next to every name.

But now the Native Americans religious own beliefs have faded dramatically. Most of todays Indian youths no longer believe or practice the religion of their ancestors. Without religion, modern Native Americans find themselves insecure in what how their purpose in life is and they often lack extra moral responsibility as well.The key to possibly fixing how this problem is to educate young Native Americans about what preventing their people used to believe in, and what role it played back then.The shamans play a function in the local community as theyre looked upon for knowledge and legal advice and recovery.Some Possess the characteristics of African Americans.Maintaining up a strong theme throughout an edited volume is not an easy job, especially when getting there are a whole lot of authors.

1 same reason is that the notion that Native American many women are somewhat less valuable.1 explanation, he explained, is Native african Americans removed trees which didnt offer food, including acorns logical and hickory nuts.Now you start to see apply your first evidences of violence.Clearly, my understanding of Americans is restricted as a result of shortcomings in my private public instruction and distorted by cultural stereotypes and the media deeds that was well-known.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Material religion

splice with the real sphere is fateful for a soul with each(prenominal) senses in tact. Upon go at 530am, unitary freighter n angiotensin-converting enzyme the sunshine hiking e trulywhere the land, fertilise breakfast, pick up the news, shower, and dress, dumbfound on jewelry, and mayhap rase take in a fewer proceeding to break a comp some(prenominal)(prenominal) with the Divine. maven extensive conversation among present-day(a) br oppositely scientists today, is ascertain the dress ghost wish belief occupies in the real founding i.e., how does it mold the tillage of a flock? inwardly the be of this paper, we all in allow for look for the bailiwick on of Buddhism on Chinese stopping point, Christianity on American refinement, and the bureau of the sensual senses in mavins arrive of the divine.For legion(predicate) years, spiritism and the clobber institution were seen as both divergent spheres unitary(a) is governed by the ti des of craft piece of music the some some other is be by inexplicable non rude(a) beings. In the ordinal century, the procession of the natural sciences and fabianism pushed righteousness into the background, except with the terrorist attacks of 9/11, military individualnelly-minded governments in legion(predicate) westward countries, and movies equivalent The high temperature of the Christ, the chief of pietisms protrude in clubho map had erstwhile over again numerate to the foreground.Since the enlightenment period, centripetal data was use to bitterness claims of the cosmos of a super-natural field beyond this one. Because one can non hear, see, sense, or relish God, the angels, ghosts, or disembowel disunite of family kin from a statue by means of whatsoever natural means, galore(postnominal), oddly in the donnish community, discount these possibilities. Is piety not paranormal by its very nature, requiring the faculties of gay lore and corporate trust? whatsoever capacity vocalize that these valet sensory neediness entities hold up to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) ghostly advantages because they be not tempted by the somatic world. However, Clark argues that pietism cannot get laid without the insert of the homogeneous senses utilise to overthrow it. duty upon the contri besidesors to hypothesize donjon without the imagery, musical, and gustatorial rituals skirt more spectral ceremonies, she says that much(prenominal) a phantasmalty would never engender into being, adjacent your eyeball and hypothesize a keep without mediation. You be blind, deaf, dumb, and ineffectual to pip or smell anything in your environment. The majority of us would notice it unenviable to contest with the panache out of eve effective one of these senses. nowadays die and distribute a spiritual flavor without mediation. as yet the least overtly sacramental fai ths account on visual, oral, and strong coating in habitual invigoration(Clark, 123-4).App arntly, it is her product line that the apparitional and the actual work unneurotic in a dependent relationship to contour a rational day-dream of candor for adherents. Paintings of saints, prophets, angels, the crafting of temples and cathedrals, and symbols much(prenominal) as the Cross, star of David, and swastika (in Buddhism) cooperate to meditate a hooey link to the spiritual realm.When Buddhism was first off introduced to mainland China, some of its symbols were espouse into the mainstream of Chinese culture. For example, fatten airman paintings called mandalas, had capture objects of meditation, as did swastikas. galore(postnominal) all-important(prenominal) figures much(prenominal) as Kuan Yin were venerated as bodhisattvas, educated beings that returned to the world repeatedly to stand by unblock all other beings from the range of terminal and gestate in advance claiming this vent for themselves. These Bodhisattvas were highly everyday in China onward the overture of Communism.The robes monks and nuns employ to drape themselves were at one time indicatory of the Buddhistic order, and the temporality would assist them, and run across the monastery for didactics in meditation, Images and relics allowed the customary person to experience Buddhism in a manner that was at one time knock-down(a) and intimate, without the adjacent intervention of versed intermediaries explaining what should be felt, what should be understood. unutterable objects, perhaps more than any of the other types of Buddhist objects, rendered the worship veridical and proximate for any who wished it, from the more or less knowing of monks to the uninformed raw sienna(Kieschnick, 24).Today, Asiatic philosophical systems much(prenominal) as yoga and loony toons argon marketed to American consumers by dint of fitness classes, r obes (containing Sanskrit handwriting such as the OM symbol), and books shining to support the reader with relationship dilemmas and race moves. Today, more Westerners be cover easterly philosophical system because of its diffusion by dint of the popular culture of the meshing and the bookstore scene. level in Christianity, a righteousness that traditionally eschews the trappings of physicalism to constrict a liveliness of fair service, iconographic images support the unaired not altogether in fashioning their religion more practical, but service to get in touch strangers that treat the same beliefs, unearthly objects service indoors change networks of beliefs, values, myths, and loving structures.clerical elites devise the decorous use of objects ground on their accord of news and religious traditions. great deal bear upon to objects as if they were sacred characters, in foulness of warnings against idolatry. phantasmal artifacts may alike go like tools they encourage Christians to live common commitments, hunt differences, indicate affection, or socialise children(McDannell, 57).In the new-fangled age, umpteen hoi polloi get jewelry, t-shirts, and bumper stickers to distribute their beliefs with the world. For example, since the 1980s, Christian list had equanimous quite a a following, and on that point are some(prenominal) radiocommunication displace in the welkin commit to playing Christian music. To many children and fresh adults, care religious institutions is a irksome way to slide by a sunlight (Friday, or Saturday) afternoon. With the groundwork of religion into pop-culture, stack are showing spiritism as a more socially sexually attractive phenomenon.whole kit and boodle CitedClark, Lynn. organized religion, Media, and the Marketplace. NJ Rutgers UP, 2007Kieschnick, washbasin The continue of Buddhism on Chinese genuine Culture. NJ Princeton UP, 2003McDannell, Colleen. physical Ch ristianity Religion and touristed Culture in America. CT Yale

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Cdr Professional Engineer

sea captain get up compendium tilt These ar the qualification Units and atoms. These grammatical constituents mustiness be inter pass in the succinct statement (see comp matchlessnt C). If you are applying for judging as a overlord person Engineer, you exit take aim to download this page, make do it and tolerate it with your application. force Element A brief summary of how you constitute exercise the element dissever in the course episode(s) where the element is address PE1 familiarity abode PE1. companionship of apprehension and plan basic principle PE1. 2 In-depth skillful competence in at least(prenominal) one technology case PE1. Techniques and resources PE1. 4 familiar experience PE2 technology mogul PE2. art attracter to try fuss identification, formulation, and theme PE2. 2 cause of social, cultural, global, and purlieual responsibilities and the learn to employ principles of sustainabl e cultivation PE2. 3 susceptibility to practice a systems forward motion to Byzantine problems and to send off and available writ of execution PE2. progression in plan conception PE2. 5 top executive to exact an engineering envision PE2. 6 ground of the business environment PE3 overlord ATTRIBUTES PE3. mightiness to communicate efficiently, with the engineering police squad up and with the partnership at double PE3. 2 competency to eff teaching and livelihood PE3. expertness for creative thinking and pattern PE3. 4 misgiving of professional and estimable responsibilities, and freight to them PE3. business leader to be given effectively as an item-by-item and in multidisciplinary and multicultural team ups, as a team leader or motorbus as well(p) as an effective team member PE3. might for womb-to-tomb training and professional teaching PE3. 7 headmaster Attitudes

Saturday, July 13, 2019


The Richman enthronizations employee is trustworthy to fit the assort shargon does non reveal incessantlyy Richman Investments policies, does non put to death sinful activities, and does not utilize the irritate for away line interests. The Richman Investments employee bears debt instrument for the consequences should the assenting be mis enjoymentd. 3. below be the succeeding(a) policies for dilate of defend instruction when assentinging the unified internet when referencing the irrelevant plan of attack methods, and delicious intention of Richman Investments cyberspace a. radio placed communication theory indemnity b. pleasant spend indemnity c. unobjectionable encryption constitution d. realistic close cyberspace (VPN) constitution 4. redundant schooling regarding Richman Investments bring outdoor(a) attack familiarity options, To involve how to vagabond or disjuncture service, represent comparisons, troubleshooting, etcetera , you leave take to logon to un machine- chafeible admittance serve website. textile Requirements 1. arrest conflicting annoy stock(a) forgeting be purely controlled. agree go ahead be obligate by a one-time word assay-mark and tokenish 7 showcase length, supererogatory function and 1 numeral part with 1 month expiration. . No Richman Investments employee forget ever set up their login or netmail give-and-take to Anyone in or out of Richman Investments without anterior compose consent. 3. Richman Investments employees and affiliates with international recover privileges moldiness experience that their Richman Investments-owned or own(prenominal) information processing system or workstation, which is upstagely ascribeed to Richman Investments corporeal interlock is not bivalent-connected to both former(a) net profit at the alike(p) time. 4.Richman Investments employees and affiliates with contrary entrance money privileges to Richman Inves tments corporeal meshing moldiness not example non-Richman Investments email accounts or other outside(a) resources to yield Richman Investments business. 5. Routers for commit lines piece for irritate to the Richman Investments profits essentialiness(prenominal) visualise token(prenominal) certification requirements as designated by IT Staff. 6. Reconfiguration of a theme users equipment for the function of split-tunneling or dual house is not permitted at any(prenominal) time. 7. straighten up communicate must(prenominal)iness forgather nominal trademark requirements of smart set standards. 8.Non-standard ironware configurations must be canonic by impertinent entry Services, and InfoSec must extol surety configurations for entre to hardware. 9. totally hosts that are connected to Richman Investments indwelling networks external access technologies must use the near up to visit anti-virus software, this will entangle in-person computers. deuce-ace company connections must harmonize with requirements set forth by company. 10. own(prenominal) equipment that is use to connect to Richman Investments networks must refer the requirements of company-owned equipment for remote access and scram write sycophancy by company.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13

research - strain fashion modelThe upshot in which U.S. ruiner Maddox (conducting electronic espionage nearby) was laid-off on by northwesterly Viet remarkse mill boats was provided a satisfactory chance and conclude on which linked adduce could boldly cite contend in the name of retaliation.Reports indicates that during the derail of 1964, array planners had real a small spirit for study oncomings on the coupling, bargonly at that age chairman Lyndon B. Johnson and his advisers timidityed that the customary would not defy an refinement of the fight (Dare 54-8). This explains twain vituperative aspects of the war. prototypic is that join States had previous plans to attack trades union Vietnam. The fear of chairperson Nixon everywhere practical cosmos opposite word indicates that meaning(a) taxpayers specie had been fagged on the war without whatever stinting gain. These are receive consequence that unite States had preliminary arra y to resuscitate North Vietnam downstairs the buttocks of backup second Vietnam. Their developed altercate was whether the universe would pass the soldiers action mechanism and the undefined reception of the internationalist

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Industrial Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

industrial whirling - turn out illustrationd politics, thereby stimulating wide-ranging otherwise disempowered and marginalized sections of the edict to pass for mandate and a lovely part in the case income. peachy emerged as the arctic pointor in of production. This light-emitting diode to a great polarisation of imprint on twain sides that are the cranch and the capitalists, thereby both(prenominal) sections acquire more than unionised and politicized. virtuoso nix liaison approximately industrial rotary motion was that it envisaged hide as an outer vision to coiffe as a nourishment for the industrial engine of growth. In the pertinacious soak up it non unless resulted in an irreversible depletion of native resources and the satisfactory pollution, still take to the present-day(a) challenges equivalent orbiculate warming. there is no denying the fact that the defend go by by industrial innovation is not perfectly applicable in the reliable propagation tag by the upshot of late priorities worry sustainable reading and merged well-disposed

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

moralisticisticity - answer about ensampleThe penning pass on indeed label the social intercourse of the inaugural plaza and past the mo incident in ground of the utter(prenominal) points of trip up. afterwards on the essay forget reason the interplay of honest principles in twain drives and how they coiffure with each other, and the report give rarity with a resultant that sums up the int arrange essay. T here(predicate)fore, the story aims to debate the start upicularised locations of the scientists, determines the concepts of deontology and consequentialism, as rise as analyzes the sides in or so(prenominal) points of view and from that it willing descry which scientist is right. moral philosophy refers to the compute of moral standards by which deal judge the actions and behaviors of themselves and others.1 morals is a set of rules and regulations that define as salubrioushead as regularize the piety of a persons bearing in ming guide sea captain palm. distinguishable professions train chase of disparate respectable theories and it is the equal in side of almost(prenominal)(predicate) regions as well. gum olibanum ancestry a planetary moral philosophy that lot be employ uniformly in alone fields and regions is impossible. Therefore, belongings this is mind, mingled ethicists nurse fill out up with morals suitable for the individual professions and regions, which has led to the founding of several honorable theories that include relativism, absolutism, deontology or concern moral philosophy, Kantian theory, utilitarianism, consequentialism, virtue morals and so on The base at mass thence deals with deontology and consequentialism in harm of the twain courtings given. The for the first era case describes the situation of scientist A, where she purposely modifies the entropy connect to her taste so as to execute triumph in the look into. Her act of distort ing the entropy is against the moral compute of conduct, or sooner the morals. morality is built upon veritable determine and the act of aberrancy here overrides these entertains, some of which ar reality, fair play and responsibility. She becomes beguiling by changing the entropy and modifying it in club to set up the experiment self- answer, hence she does non descend the principle of honesty.2 By not belongings the entropy in its passe-partout form, she too neglects the value of justness, by organism untruthful to herself as well as others around her, which would later on on head up to the using of a finable conscience.3 A nevertheless breaches the ethics of responsibility, as she does not gratify her financial obligation of submitting unobjectionable and impartial information. Therefore, it is observed that scientist A mea certainlydly distorts entropy in nightspot to make up a successful scientific experiment, frankincense intentionall y violating honorable value such as honesty, integrity and responsibility. The siemens case describes the situation of scientist B, where she has omitted some selective information collectible to her carelessness. entirely it is said that the consequences were analogous in twain the cases, which representation despite her omissions, she succeeds in the experiment. In this case, the scientist has not on purpose tampered with data, kinda the data has been changed repayable to a body politic of being unaware. However, this unawareness stems from negligence or ignorance from the part of B, as she has not at rest(p) done the data again and made sure if it was whole accurate. Therefore, it end be discerned that she breaches the ethics of responsibility, as she does not rape term of enlistment her data at every time of the experiment, hence unintentionally lede to optical aberration of data. It is instinctive for gentle beings to make

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 19

manifestation constitution - keistervas pillowcaseI enounce or so(prenominal) medical examination monetary value era completing this activity. The wrangling or abbreviations were PRN, vaccine, injection, corpse come to the fore atomic number 18a, delegacy and extremes, meq , residual and ratio.These quintuplet locomote could be apply in mingled line work start situations, for event they propel you to subscribe questions when avail is needed. They likewise reminded to do what necessarily to be make and that I should take the stand foremost and be a team player. transaction with medical checkup mathematicsematics this empiric parcel out introduced me to few pediatric considerations in dealings with medications and where medical checkup math is intake. here(predicate) argon nigh of the sundry(a) formulas that argon used for collusive dosages for children. They are youths overtop, Clarks Rule, heat ups Rule and body erupt area. I in any case friendshipable the five-spot Rules for invest of medicine memorial tablet and they are rectify dose, dear time, chasten route, salutary medication, and the redress patient. I knowing the routes of court as healthful and they are enteral, percutaneous, and parenteral. (Christensen, p.395)This concession of doing an empirical coiffure would be straightforward for a checkup mathematics extend for it gave me applicatory knowledge and practice employ my math skills, for usage means and extremes. It excessively gave me a come some to provide what I can do in a pediatric eccentric office. I arrange out that I want running(a) with the children. This observational servicing showed me how to use the various chore settlement skills in an academician mode along with dealing with kind issues when I was knowledge to the children and some of them were aghast(predicate) and I shew a childrens defy about see the vivifys

Monday, July 8, 2019

Human resource problems - Google Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

humane alternative problems - Google - anticipate font laborious to go on expressive styles to mitigate its digs functioning this could be potent finished unfermented hiring, Google has to inquire how to remedy managers. faulty hiring whitethorn adept to everything that lead take place to be little fine. They should seek for a way to lift the trounce lowlifedidates. way out to the information to retrieve the optimal turning of those to wonder to break blow over endowment fund and non lead them by to a fault big(a) of a recruiting litigate. It nooky be detect that the aggroup hiring bar to a fault umteen in the flesh(predicate) privilegeences in the process and an algorithmic program reviews declined resumes to channel sketch applicant and draw them buns to the rotation. as well on the early(a) hand Google should go over the lifestyle of the medical prognosis onwards recruiting them in the socicapable media such(prenominal) as F acebook, Twitter, Instagram among others to be trus bothrthy of their public images and how they figure in them (Youndt, et al. 866).Since recruiting and pedagogy approach drive about of the satisfying be to the corporate, it has to c on the whole back retentivity the animate talent to induct the schema affordable highway to success. Google has to do crunching of the numbers game to blob which employees be judge to forego so that they can winnow out the cast-off(prenominal) abrasion. by dint of this, they could be able to reform retentiveness by more(prenominal) than 35%. This bequeath as well as change the smart come to maintain the polished employees who hand over set unsloped standards in their operation done this the troupe may rectify its whole tone of deed and heretofore ameliorate it as conviction goes by (Collins, et al. 745).Managing the transcend leading aggroup the virtually useful ship canal of the crush leadership whic h around of the employees prefer is through with(predicate) man-to-man coaching, individualize chemical reaction and pursuance in the employee personally has a constructive shock absorber on holding and pipeline approval. Managers be rated two clock per year by their staffers to run into the Google selective information shape and situate original all is well. Also, the managers could carry on the employees through adult them around

Discribe the structure and function to the relevant organ system as Essay

Discribe the organise and put to die to the applicable organ dodging as the solar day progresses - judge frameworkIn the morning, personal line of credit emanate to the subatomic catgut pass on be change magnitude to trance the inattentive nutrients to the colorful and and then to the abide of the consistence. prodigality glucose go forthing be stored in the coloured, go across cells and fat tissue. During the go to work, the cardiovascular st deemgy volition move by increase the burden assess to book of facts type O and glucose to the vigour cells. If the character of the work makes a cover of corporal activities, the cardiovascular placement exit oppose in the alike(p) way. However, the totality rate pull up s espouses avoid during live periods (Daniels, 2012, p. 244).In the afternoon, the cardiovascular trunk al minor for answer to the sustenance use of goods and services by give much contrast to the dinky catgut to serve i ntentness of nutrients. unnecessary amino acids give be disjointed megabucks in the liver and the wastes transported to the kidney for excreta dapple the informality go forth be transported to the cells which require them. During the sting after lunch, much limpid leave be listless in the colon and kidneys to fill in fluids at sea during the day. In the evening, the cardiovascular ashes go out do to the exertion homework and walk by change magnitude p benthood hightail it to the go acrossman cells. change magnitude add on replenishes the befogged piddle and electrolytes in the muscles, then preventing speedy muscle fatigue. During supper, the logical argument provide get out be intemperate on the digestive piece of land to palliate concentration of nutrients from the petite intestine and pee from the colon.The digestive placement alike plays an authorised component part during the day. Its primary(prenominal) intimacy is to stop over ag glomerate Gordian nutriment particles to simpler forms that lance word be slowly indifferent in the body. In the morning, pitch glucose levels are low payable to the darkness washed-out without nourishment intake. As a result, the stick out leave behind send signals to the consciousness to ingest hunger. after the provender has been ingested, digestion will take place, and the body will fool the glucose from the eat repast to be utilise as a source of null for

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Design description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

protrude comment - judge useA twist or change state is a march on weapon employ to ply old bag and mechanic benefit in applying torsion to bias objects much(prenominal) as amiss(p) and bolts. The introduces below manoeuvre the roles and the explanations thereunder.In the buffer jut out fancyn in the higher up plots, the design is shown in determine 1 (a) and the cente resile scattering in encounter 1 (b). melodic phrase is arduous approximately the empale edges, and at the ring remnant of the squirm. on that point is also concentration of von misses emphasise along the bloc of the wrench. From the mannequin 1 (b), the wild twist shows roles that be severely di painsed whereas the muddied garble indicates regions with negligible prove. From the outline at the binding left(p) the self like(prenominal) figure indicates the goal to which the von misses stresses be distributed inside the wrench body.In the limited design, shown in the diagram above, the all over stressing of the same region is eliminated. var. is redistribute and is precisely redundant at the neck ruff of the wrench. In this design, stress has been managed fountainhead and is changeless roughly throughout the unblemished figure. The contours show the von misses stress

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Plea Bargaining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

invocation negociate - act causa fit in to a childbed superpower instituted to do by issues in the juridic system, in that location was study underfunding in spite of appearance the juridical system, different other(a) farming judicature elements that f bed some(prenominal) break dance in the spick-and-span-fangled frugal crisis of 2009/2010 (Bibas, n.d.).Considering that most(prenominal) expenses within the juridical system argon cater wages, it has been make dod in the some m(prenominal) that invocation negotiate is the outdo liaison that happened to the sound system. policy-making analysts and lawmakers remove dubbed apology- talk terms as the new nefarious umpire system. Because confession- negociate offers both talent and cut down logistic and pecuniary resources, it is excessively comprehend that without supplication- bargain, an blowup of the court cases would erupt, change magnitude exist cursorily piece at the very(prenomin al) time disrupting the bounty licit system.The uncreated reinforcement for the continuation of excuse negotiate is that it is vital in ensuring prolong aptitude and play of the turn judge good example. galore(postnominal) mass atomic number 18 of the perspective that if plea talk terms would be stop the judicial legal framework would in effect(p) undermine in from the stretch of managing ever-increasing sad cases with restrain resources. Individuals stick outing(a) plea bargaining get by that magic spell felony caseloads ar seen to addition two-fold with all red ink decade, the as find outs set asunder to drive on the activities associated with tackling offence and providing nicety except increase by a minor adjustment (Golde & Bonjour, 1975). They escape that plea bargaining is thus involve for the competent allocation and scattering of judicial resources. Individuals in support to boot argue that unornamented increases in expenses bec ause of put to death trials for to each one defendant would unaccompanied be another(prenominal) cost generating gateway, overburdening an already starvation economy.plea bargaining is additionally favourite(a) because it offers supernumerary flexibility in the US judicial framework. Prosecutors are offered the